Herzog, Thomas; Krippner, R.; Lang, W.: Fassadenatlas (Facade Construction Manual) (2nd revised and extended edition), German; Detail Verlag, Munich, 2016
– English edition, Detail Business Information, Munich 2017
Herzog, Thomas; Zhang, T. (Ed.): Urban Environment Design 101, Chinese, English, Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House CO, Beijing, 2016
Herzog, Thomas, (Ed.): Oskar von Miller Forum, German, English; Hirmer Verlag, Munich; 2010
Herzog, Thomas, (Ed.): Uffici Sostenibili – Sustainable Administration Buildings, Italian, English, Proctor Edizioni, Bologna, 2010
Herzog, Thomas, (Ed.): Solar Charta, German, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Greek, Arabic; Prestel Verlag, Munich, Berlin, London, New York; 2006 (2nd edition 2008)
Herzog, Thomas; Wang, L. (Ed.): Pioneering Sustainable Architecture, Chinese, English, World Architecture Magazin Publications, Beijing 2007
Herzog, Thomas, (Ed.): SOKA-BAU Utility Sustainability Efficiency / Nutzung Effizienz Nachhaltigkeit, German, English; Prestel Verlag, Munich, Berlin, London, New York 2006
Herzog, Thomas, Perriccioli, M.; Rossi, M.: thomas herzog reacting skin, Italian, English Editione Kappa, Rome, 2005
Herzog, Thomas; Krippner, R.; Lang, W.: Fassadenatlas (Façade Construction Manual), German, Institute of International Architecture Documentation GmbH & Co. KG / Birkhäuser Verlag für Architektur, Basel, Boston, Berlin, Munich; 2004
– English edition, Birkhäuser Verlag für Architektur, Basel, Boston, Berlin; 2005
– Italian edition, UTET, Torino, 2005
– Chinese edition, Edition Detail, Munich/Guangzhou; 2006
– French edition, Presses Polytechniques Romandes, Lausanne; 2007
Herzog, Thomas; Natterer, J.; Schweitzer, R; Volz, M.; Winter, W.: Holzbau Atlas (Timber Construction Manual) (4th revised edition), German; Institute of International Architecture Documentation GmbH & Co. KG, Munich; Birkhäuser Verlag für Architektur, Basel, Boston, Berlin; 2003
– English edition, Birkhäuser Verlag für Architektur, Basel, Boston, Berlin; 2004
– French edition, Presses Polytechniques Romandes, Lausanne; 2005
Herzog, Thomas, (Ed.): Gebäudetypen – Arbeiten mit Studierenden (Types of buildings), German; Chair of Building Technology, Technical University Munich/Verlag Das Beispiel, Darmstadt; 2003
Herzog, Thomas, (Ed.), Flagge, I.; Herzog-Loibl, V.; Meseure, A.: THOMAS HERZOG Architektur + Technologie/Architecture + Technology, German, English; Prestel Verlag, Munich, London, New York; 2000
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.), Steckeweh, C.: Trasformazione urbana, StadtWende – Komplexität im Wandel (Urban transformation), Italian, German; Jovis Verlag, Berlin; 2000
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): EXPODACH – Symbolbauwerk zur Weltausstellung Hannover 2000 / Roof structure at the World Exhibition Hanover 2000, German, English; Prestel Verlag, Munich, London, New York; 2000
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): Nachhaltige Höhe, Sustainable Height, Administration building Deutsche Messe AG Hanover, German, English; Prestel Verlag, Munich, London, New York; 2000
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): Bausysteme von Angelo Mangiarotti/Construction systems by Angelo Mangiarotti, German, English, Italian; Verlag Das Beispiel GmbH, Darmstadt; 1998
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): Halle 26, Hannover/Hall 26, Hanover, German, English, Italian; Prestel-Verlag, Munich, London, New York, 1996 (2. Auflage 2008)
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, English, German, Italian; Prestel-Verlag, Munich, London, New York; 1996
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): Thomas Herzog – Architekt, Nikolaus Lang – Bildhauer, Rainer Wittenborn – Maler: Gemeinsame Arbeiten 1972-96/Thomas Herzog – Architect, Nikolaus Lang – Sculptor, Rainer Wittenborn – Painter: Joint Works 1972-96, German, English; Hatje Verlag, Stuttgart; 1996
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): Design Center Linz, German, English; Hatje Verlag, Stuttgart; 1994
Herzog, Thomas (Ed.): Thomas Herzog. Bauten 1978 – 1992. Buildings. German, English; Hatje Verlag, Stuttgart; 1992
Herzog, Thomas; Natterer, J.; Volz, M.: Holzbau Atlas Zwei (Timber Construction Manual 2) German, Institute of International Architecture Documentation GmbH Munich; R. Müller GmbH, Cologne, 1990 (2nd edition 1996)
– French edition, Presses Polytechniques Romandes, Lausanne; 1994
– Japanese edition, Japan Architectural Center, Tokyo, 1998
– Italian edition, UTET, Torino, 1998
Herzog, Thomas; Natterer, J.; Tobey, R.; Winter, W.; Kessel, M.: Habiller de verre et de bois / Gebäudehüllen aus Glas und Holz (Building envelopes made from glass and wood), French, German; Presses Polytechniques Romandes, Lausanne; 1984
Herzog, Thomas: Pneumatische Konstruktionen, Bauten aus Membranen und Luft; ein Handbuch für Architekten und Ingenieure (Pneumatic constructions, buildings made of membranes and air) German, Hatje Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976
– US edition, Oxford University Press, New York 1976
– English edition, Crosby, Lockwood, Staples, London 1977
– Spanish edition, Geli, Barcelona 1977
– Chinese edition, Tonshij University, Shanghai 1980